Family Fodder


29th July 2013


“If I were to sum up The Family Fodder record I would say it is magnificent and magical and marvelous and majestic and mighty."

- David Shrigley


This collection of new songs and re-worked treasures from the Alig Fodder’s post-punk tape archive achieves the kind of maddening brilliance that his admirers have come to expect.

Variety uncovers more of Alig’s bizarre, mind-bending arrangements, melodies and hook-strewn vocals, all seemingly thrown casually over a vast jumble of instruments and influences but engineered with precision and poise by the master of the unexpected.


Where to BUY!

Family Fodder's Official Greedbag Store:
Special 2 CD bundle including both 'Variety' and 'Classical Music'

Family Fodder TV

We'll be releasing a track from Variety every other day in the build up to release.

Here's the first video from the album for Déjà Déjà Vu:




1. Déjà Déjà Vu
2. The Pain Won't Go
3. Love Is Like a Goat
4. Blue Puppies
5. Vampyre On My Mind
6. It's 1965
7. Hippy Bus to Spain
8. Backstreets of Infinity
9. Sitting In a Puddle
10. The Moon Told Me So
11. Pluperfect